Thursday, November 6, 2008

Doing Things the Right Way

I love ND football, and I think everyone I've ever met knows that.  But a good part of the reason I love ND is because they do things the right way.  I just saw this video of Defensive Coordinator Corwin Brown and it reminded me of why I love ND and why many people hate ND... because they do things the right way.  It's just like everything else in life, when you have high character, don't take short cuts, and make your way to the top doing the little things, the right things, people are always trying to rip you down.  It's their mission.  Here is a coach who understands all that and the importance of not stooping to others' levels.  He has a great perspective of responsibility and ownership, and an understanding that getting to the top is a LONG and HARD process when you do it with character and class. But IT IS ALWAYS WORTH IT.  Watch this video of a coach that gets it and tell me it doesn't fire you up.

Monday, November 3, 2008

The Prosperity Gospel

I don't know if I've ever heard John Piper this worked up, but he definitely got my attention. 

When I first started watching this, I thought that John Piper was using some strong language, maybe too strong.  But as I watched, I realized that this is a serious problem with the American church.  We are getting sucked into this mindset and we don't even know it.  How is this happening?  What are we thinking?  This mindset prostitutes the gospel and says that it is glorifying God!  We really need to guard ourselves and make sure that we are staying grounded and rooted in the Word.  We need to measure our teaching, against what the Bible says, and not get distracted by the feel good stuff, that isn't necessarily the Truth.