Angie Sanders, passed away on Friday, Jan. 9th. However, her legacy continued on and was very evident in her funeral, which was more of a celebration than anything else. It was an incredible ceremony that honored Angie in the only way the people who knew her could have imagined, by centering it completely on Christ. Her father, Preston, conducted the ceremony and spoke for an hour and a half! He was only slowed by an occasional emotional memory, but would regain his strength to continue to proclaim the amazing news that his daughter tried to display with her life. To be honest, I don't think I've ever heard someone preach the gospel message and it's implications for our lives like Preston brought it on Jan. 17. In the face of tragedy, it was amazing to see him, and Angie's entire family, not only cling to Christ, but proclaim HIS amazing grace and mercy.
I was again reminded of the phrase "you have never met a mere mortal" as I watched the people who had come to the funeral pay Angie their last respects. People of all ages, sizes, colors, styles, and economic backgrounds were there and I had to think that maybe Angie bought into what C.S. Lewis had stated. It seemed that she never met someone she was too good for or didn't have time for and it felt like a punch in the gut and a refreshing shower at the same time. I was convicted of my own apathy when I saw all the kinds of people she touched. At the same time, it was this awesome encouragement to see a follower of Christ be represented by the number of people she influenced. I hope that when my day comes, I too will have impacted as diverse and large a group as Angie.
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